Thursday, November 12, 2009

Esta Loco?

Some good news: the Chapel Hill show went great and hopefully I'll have some new video up soon.

Some bad news: First, let me say George Lopez is one of my favorite comedians. Recently I caught "Lopez Tonight," George Lopez's new late night talk show. In the episode, he went and had an adult play date at Marc Anthony's house.

During the sketch, the two talked about how good their lives are and proceeded to light cigars with burning money. I can't believe that they would do something in such poor taste.

What makes this even worse is that a lot of Lopez's material comes from his experiences growing up in poverty.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Chapel Hill Comedy Show

This Thursday, I will be going up to lovely Chapel Hill, NC to perform in a student stand-up charity show. The show benefits Nourish International which helps bring sustainability to Third World Countries and eliminate poverty. It is going to be hosted by Jack Sprat Cafe on Franklin Street. The show starts at 10 and is $5 at the door.

Ok, now that all the technical stuff is out of the way. I'm sooo excited about this show! I finally get to show off to my fellow college students after I've been classically trained by comedy masters.