Monday, January 25, 2010

Say it Ain't So, CoCo!

First I have to apologize for writing that Jay Leno conceded The Tonight Show. NBC forced him out despite being numero uno. Great decision on their part.

Friday, January 22nd, marks Conan O'Brien's last show as host of The Tonight Show. I'm sad to see him go under such ridiculous circumstances. I'm sure he'll be back and better than ever. He'll be able to ride the wave of positive support to his next project. I'll follow him wherever he goes.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Must Save TV

This is how you to save NBC. Drastic? Yes. Controversial? Probably. Necessary? You have no idea.

Here now is my blueprint to save NBC.

Step 1: Jay Leno concedes to Conan O'Brien.
  • Jay decided not to renew his contract in 2009 and give the show over to Conan. He needs to honor that commitment.
Step 2: Jay Leno moves to a new weekly show on Sundays.
  • Most people in the states haven't heard of the British show Top Gear but it is HUGE around the world and in the UK. It's a show about cars which sounds like a niche program but the three hosts Richard Hammond, James May, and Jeremy Clarkson make it amazing with their humor. Jay Leno is perfect for this (and actually has appeared on the show several times as a guest) and I'm sure he knows some other guys that would be great as his co-hosts. The British-to-American conversion has worked in the past with The Office and Dancing with the Stars. It can work again.
Step 3: Rummage the Bins
  • Take the best shows from their umbrella of networks and plug them in to the 10 o'clock slots. There are so many quality shows that belong to NBC that currently go unappreciated. Monk and Burn Notice are two amazing shows on USA network. There's a new Law and Order series in the works and those seem to be fairly bulletproof. Men of a Certain Age on TNT has recently gained critical acclaim. I haven't seen the show but it seems like a great fit to follow Thursday night comedy. And finally Project Runway has become a huge success and I think it could find a place on NBC. A reality show? Why not. It's got the drama and Tim Gunn is great.
Presenting NBC's New Prime Time Lineup

Sunday - 9:00 Top Gear Presented by Jay Leno
Monday - 10:00 Monk (USA)
Tuesday - 10:00 Law and Order: Los Angeles (Rumored)
Wednesday - 10:00 Burn Notice (USA)
Thursday - 10:00 Men Of a Certain Age (TNT)
Friday- 10:00 Project Runway (BRAVO)

Is this perfect? No way. But it's a hell of a lot better than what's out there now.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Esta Loco?

Some good news: the Chapel Hill show went great and hopefully I'll have some new video up soon.

Some bad news: First, let me say George Lopez is one of my favorite comedians. Recently I caught "Lopez Tonight," George Lopez's new late night talk show. In the episode, he went and had an adult play date at Marc Anthony's house.

During the sketch, the two talked about how good their lives are and proceeded to light cigars with burning money. I can't believe that they would do something in such poor taste.

What makes this even worse is that a lot of Lopez's material comes from his experiences growing up in poverty.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Chapel Hill Comedy Show

This Thursday, I will be going up to lovely Chapel Hill, NC to perform in a student stand-up charity show. The show benefits Nourish International which helps bring sustainability to Third World Countries and eliminate poverty. It is going to be hosted by Jack Sprat Cafe on Franklin Street. The show starts at 10 and is $5 at the door.

Ok, now that all the technical stuff is out of the way. I'm sooo excited about this show! I finally get to show off to my fellow college students after I've been classically trained by comedy masters.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Graduation Show

Ted created yet another great poster for our Comedy Graduation show. Monday, October 19th at the Comedy Zone in Lake Norman. Doors open at 7pm, show starts at 8pm. Most importantly, the show is FREE! Invite all of your friends.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Bad Freakin' Luck

So last night was the season premier of SNL with host Megan Fox. The show was average at best with every sketch involving Fox having something to do with her being pretty, as opposed to being funny. The episode would have never been noticed if it wasn't for an unfortunate slip.

Jenny Slate, one of two new cast members, dropped the F-bomb during a sketch. You could tell Slate realized what she had done by the look on her face. However, Kristin Wigg was extremely professional and continued the sketch like it never happened and they were able to finish it without any other problems.

After spreading all over Twitter, rumors about Slate being fired came up. I have to say, I would be extremely disappointed in Lorne Michaels if he decided to let her go. They need to attack this in true SNL fashion and make fun of it right away. This is great publicity for a lackluster premiere and it's going to be on every talk show on TV and radio. They have the opportunity this Thursday with Weekend Update. I hope they take advantage of it.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Phil Hogan

This past Tuesday I MC'd at the Comedy Zone in Lake Norman. MCing sucks big time by the way. The audience could care less about you. After the show I read a quote by Steve Martin. "Be so good they can't ignore you." I need to keep that in mind.

Anyway, the real professional that night was the headliner, Phil Hogan. He can play the hell out of a guitar. Check him out on MySpace.