Sunday, September 27, 2009

Bad Freakin' Luck

So last night was the season premier of SNL with host Megan Fox. The show was average at best with every sketch involving Fox having something to do with her being pretty, as opposed to being funny. The episode would have never been noticed if it wasn't for an unfortunate slip.

Jenny Slate, one of two new cast members, dropped the F-bomb during a sketch. You could tell Slate realized what she had done by the look on her face. However, Kristin Wigg was extremely professional and continued the sketch like it never happened and they were able to finish it without any other problems.

After spreading all over Twitter, rumors about Slate being fired came up. I have to say, I would be extremely disappointed in Lorne Michaels if he decided to let her go. They need to attack this in true SNL fashion and make fun of it right away. This is great publicity for a lackluster premiere and it's going to be on every talk show on TV and radio. They have the opportunity this Thursday with Weekend Update. I hope they take advantage of it.

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