Saturday, August 22, 2009

What a Basterd!

"What is a post about this movie doing on a comedy blog?" you might be asking yourself. Well, I had heard Inglorious Basterds was a funny movie in Bill Maher's interview with Brad Pitt but I had no idea that there a parts in this movie that are downright hilarious. Quentin Tarantino is a brilliant writer and I believe it will go down as one of his greatest films. Oh yeah, I almost forgot, SEE IT!

I know Brad Pitt is the biggest name and he's what will draw a lot of people to see the movie. That said, Christolph Waltz steals the show. His portrayal of Colonel Hans Landa is quite possibly, and I'm trying not to exaggerate, one of THE BEST pieces of acting you will ever see. EVER. I read Quentin Tarantino was worried he had "written an unplayable part." I understand why and so will you if you see it. Don't be surprised to see a gold statue in those hands come next Spring.


Sorry about not putting this up sooner. This is Mutzie. I saw him for the second time the other week. He's probably the funniest stand-up comedian you've never heard of. Check out some of his stuff on YouTube but know they really don't do his act justice. He's one of the most entertaining live comedians you'll see. Mutzie is so quick witted, the only way I can think to describe it is improve-stand-up. Make sure you see one of his shows if you get the chance. He'll have you laughing so hard, you'll choke, it happened to me both times.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Stand-Up Graduation Show

Ted from my comedy class made this sweeeeeet poster for our graduation show. Well done, Ted. It's next Wednesday at the Wine-Up in NoDa. It was supposed to be next Thursday at the Lake Norman Comedy Zone but Dustin Diamond is performing then. We got moved to a smaller venue because of freakin' Screech from Saved by the Bell. FML

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Candy and Potter Summer Comedy Cruise

Candy & Potter from 107.9 The Link hosted this great party on Lake Norman. Potter gave my friend an extra ticket and she asked me to tag along. Potter was the MC.

They're asking people who were there to send in photos of the event. I didn't think to bring a camera but I may appear somewhere in the background in one of the pics.
This is Steve Forrest, an up and coming comic out of Charlotte. He's hilarious. You'll probably be seeing a lot of him on this blog.
This is pretty crazy. This guy is Hannibal. He's a magician/comedian. He puts on a great show especially with close up magic which I always prefer to stage performances. Anyway, I realized later that this guy totally gave me lessons when I was a little kid doing magic as a hobby. That was at least 10 years ago. I'm sure he didn't recognize me. I'll have to make sure I tell him if I see him again.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Funny People

I saw Funny People this past Friday (aka My Birthday). All in all a very good movie, definitely one of Adam Sandler's best. There are some classic lines that I'm sure people will be repeating for quite a while. I only had one problem with it, and I'm sure you'll hear this from other people who've seen it. The first hour and a half is unbelievably hilarious. After that, it takes a serious turn and starts to slow down. I appreciate Judd Apatow's unique take on the comedy genre, developing characters and presenting mature situations. I think he could've toned it down and little and shortened up the film, making it just as heartwarming and just as funny. All in all, well worth the price of ticket. Definitely go see it.